Chemistry Women* Mentorship Network
(Chem WMN)

*ChemWMN is open to all women-identifying individuals.
The Goal of our organization is to create a national network of women* in chemistry to provide support, encouragement and mentorship for young women considering continuing their education or pursuing careers in academia.
Our Mission:
1. Provide a structure for effective mentoring.
2. Develop a vertical mentorship network that focuses on mentoring at all points in the academic pipeline — undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral and faculty career stages.
3. Provide women chemists with a virtual ‘extended peer network’ to augment the peer support networks available at their home institution.
4. Regularly engage women chemists in discussions about issues women face in chemistry.
5. Make academic chemistry a more comfortable and welcoming environment for women.
6. Increase the number of women pursuing careers in academic chemistry.
7. Improve the gender balance in chemistry departments across the U.S.
Please visit the Get Involved page for more information on how you can get connected with the network.
Contact us:
Brandi Cossairt, University of Washington